FOURCAST can do for you.

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Then, expand your ideas: utilize more data, electronic stock market, commodity, options, economic and other financial data bases, a user's monograph + educational magazine article, case based & research journal references, and much much more!

You can receive immediate rewards, while developing a long term strategy for personal financial independence.

Financial data may be imported from, and in the following date formats: month/day/year, month year, month-year, day-month-year.

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Forecasting has many applications. How the forecast is applied, depends very much on the particular application. The following information is intended as a guide to stock market applications. The forecast may be for a stock price (where the trading instrument may the stock), or an index of stock prices (where the trading instrument may be the index option). Forecasting accuracy will be greater for stocks which are heavily traded, and greatest for indices. For this reason, the following will focus on index forecasting. However, the main objective of this information, and the test that follows is a critical examination of the the way in which we view this application, and in general, the role of forecasting turning points and changes in trend.

Summary of suggested Trading Rules for
Index Options


ASSUMPTION: Any change in interest rates is due purely to changes in market conditions, and not to regulatory intervention. An increase in interest rates due to regulatory intervention will cause price indices to fall. A decrease in interest rates due to regulatory intervention will cause price indices to rise. Since there is no way to know in advance, if either of these will occur, it may not be possible to forecast their outcomes.

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1. Examine the forecast for a rise or fall:

2. Having established the direction of the systematic trend,

3. Take up a corresponding position in the index option market. Options should be purchased:

4. Set a realistic profit goal (based on approximately half the forecast change):

Scroll down to: Test Your FOURCAST financial IQ. >>>>

Download FOURCAST now to see how!

Then, expand your ideas: utilize more data, electronic stock market, commodity, options, economic and other financial data bases, a user's monograph + educational magazine article, case based & research journal references, and much much more!

You can receive immediate rewards, while developing a long term strategy for personal financial independence.

Test your FOURCAST financial IQ.


This review is designed to determine how well you understand what FOURCAST does, and how to put it to work for you. When you are satisfied that you have answered the questions correctly, you are ready to use the program. Please feel free to use this self-evaluation test as often as you like (In order to receive anonymous feedback, click on the score button at the end of the test.)

Answer each of the following multiple choice review questions by
selecting the response which is most immediately appropriate.

1. FOURCAST is a computer program for

2. FOURCAST is used for

3. FOURCAST analyses historical data by examining

4. Stock price movements are comprised of

5. When an index forecast shows a sustained rise of 11% over 20 days, this should be interpreted as

6. An index forecast shows a rise of 5% over the first 5 days, a fall of 5% over the next 5 days, flat for the next 10 days, is interpreted as

7. An index forecast shows a sustained fall over 20 days. The change is less than 3%. This is interpreted as

8. When trading index options, based on a forecast of the underlying index, the trader should

9. When buying an index option, uncertainty regarding the possibility of an over priced option can be avoided by

10. When an in the money call option is attracting a particularly high premium, a trader should

11. The index forecast is bullish and you bought call options. The option price rises sharply, outperforming expectations. You should

12. An index forecast is very bullish and you bought call options. The index falls 2% during the next three days. The forecast is still bullish. You should

13. Profits are generated by

14. The forecast is used by traders who

Download FOURCAST now to see how!

Then, expand your ideas: utilize more data, electronic stock market, commodity, options, economic and other financial data bases, a user's monograph + educational magazine article, case based & research journal references, and much much more!

You can receive immediate rewards, while developing a long term strategy for personal financial independence.


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